Sunday, October 17, 2010


I've been thinking a lot in the last week about how much I just love my church family. I can't imagine what life with no church would be like. Our church has this tradition on the first Sunday night of the month- after communion- we all stand around holding hands in a big circle and sing Blessed Be The Tie That Binds. Last week, it was the usual chaos of trying to make the circle stretch all the way around and fitting everyone into a spot because it seems like there is never an option to just not hold hands, at all costs, the circle WILL be completed! I ended up holding hands with two people who I think I can safely say I would not have ever just held hands with in the course of my daily life. As I looked around the circle, I was just struck by how dear all those fellow believers are to me. We may all have little quirks and totally different personalities but we love Jesus and we're family. Thank you Jesus. What a gift to have this community here on earth!

1 comment:

  1. We are blessed, aren't we? I'm so glad I have this family, too.
